Many people have asked us, how do we know if a chip needs to be repaired:
Many people have asked us how we know if a chip needs to be repaired:
Typically when a rock hits the windshield it does one of two things. One is it hits your windshield and takes a small nick out of the surface. We call these damages sandblasting or pitted. Your windshield may have literally thousands of these little tiny surface damages. These damages usually will not cause your windshield to crack however to make sure you give us a call and we will inspect your windshield for FREE.
In some case the damage the customer comes in to have us inspect is just a small sand pit however after inspection we find another damage that the customer did not realize they even had. We have saved many windshields chips from cracking that would have gone Unnoticed by inspecting the windshield for our customers. Two, If the rock hits hard enough to damage the windshield to the plastic lamination in the center of the windshield you have a high probability of a cracked windshield. These damages are just waiting for an excuse to become long cracks. Repair these damages right away to prevent an expensive replacement. We call these damages a stone bruise or rock chip. The way you can tell if the rock has damaged the windshield to the lamination is to look for dark or black colored area. This dark colored area is an air pocket that is created when the rocks impact the windshield. There are 3 typical types of damages Stars, Bulls-eyes, and Combination breaks.
Stars usually have small legs and there may be several of these small legs emanating out from the impact point. Most stars can be successfully repaired in around 15 minutes or less. These types of damages are very prone to cracking and should be repaired right away.
Bulls-eyes usually are circularly shaped emanating around the impact point. These are also easily repaired in around 15 minutes or less. Bulls-eyes repair very well in many cases you will have a hard time finding the repair after it is performed.
Combination Breaks:
Combination breaks are a combination of a bulls-eye and a star break. Some combination breaks have a larger impact point where the rock impacted the windshield. These damages repair very easily. The finished repair may show a little more because of the larger impact point. Combination breaks are usually caused by larger rocks.
Then there are Cracks:
Windshields do not just up and crack. Typically the windshield is impacted by a rock and then goes through a temperature change. Once the windshield heats up or gets cooled quickly the rock chip then expands into a crack. Cracks can be repaired by Cracks N Chips Patented Technology. Most other repair shops are limited to 6 inches. Cracks N Chips can successfully repair cracked windshields up to 16 inches. If your windshield starts to crack, call us right away time if of the essence. Cracks can grow clear across your windshield in even a day or two and sometimes within hours.
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